Security News Update for June 5, 2022

This week’s security news includes: Healthcare supply chain cybersecurity risk management guide Google quietly bans deepfake training projects on Colab 1200 public-facing Elastic databases wiped EPA asks for $100 million to improve water system cybersecurity CISA says states need to continue to enhance voting machine security Russia pauses prosecution of Revil hackers – offers them…

Security News for the Week Ending May 29, 2022

This week’s security news includes: DHS/CISA Updates Emergency Directive 22-03 to add two new VMware bugs Broadcom announces plan to buy VMware Microsoft rolling out new security settings to millions of accounts Feds fine Twitter $150 million for privacy violations Spain vows to tighten control over their spy agencies Credit card skimmers are switching techniques…


Dark Patterns

Ever try to cancel a subscription online? Or even figure out when the subscription is due to be renewed? That difficulty is intentional and is now against the law in many states and countries. If you operate an online presence, it is important for you to understand what you are allowed to do and what…

Security News for the Week Ending May 22, 2022

This week’s security news includes: When is your iPhone really off? SF police use autonomous cars for surveillance Two business grade Netgear routers are vulnerable and can’t be fixed Home title fraud monitoring And now we have five – zero-days for Apple so far this year Microsoft end-of-life’s Windows Server 20H2 Judge okays first cryptocurrency…

Security news for the Week Ending May 15, 2022

This week’s security news includes: College closes after 157 years after ransomware attack A really bad idea Ya can’t tell the players without a scorecard Microsoft to offer human-based security services This month’s patch Tuesday NIST plans to ask for comments on updates to Controlled Unclassified Information publications UK Sanctions Russian chip makers Prince Charles…

Security news for the Week Ending May 8, 2022

This week’s security news includes: White House releases orders to deploy quantum computing resistant encryption CISA releases secure cloud business applications (SCBA) technical reference architecture And now there are five – Connecticut joins the club Dark patterns – continued SEC doubles the size of its cryptocurrency fraud unit President signs better cybercrime metrics act NIST…

Security news for the Week Ending May 1, 2022

This week’s security news includes: French fiber cables cut in acts of sabotage Apple launches self-service repair store Google Play Store adds App Data Safety section Microsoft Announces Edge Secure Network Google will now let you remove some PII from their search results Breach reporting: 30 days? 4 days? 6 hours? get ready CFPB to…