Security News Update for the Week Ending November 20, 2022

This week’s security news includes:

  • Google tries ‘lipstick on a pig’ trick
  • DHS-CISA says assume Zimbra is compromised if you have not already patched it
  • Google to pay $391 million to settle lies about tracking you on Android
  • Hive ransomware group nets $100 million
  • Billbug group targets certificate authority and government agencies
  • Iran hacked US Merit Systems Protection Board – installs crypto miner
  • The biggest cryptocurrency meltdown yet
  • Dirt coming out on SF’s new police surveillance law
  • Even friendly governments use spyware to cover up corruptions
  • Security news bites for the week ending November 18th, 2022: remember Mastodon’s 1 million users last week – now 6 million, shocker: EV charging stations are easy to hack, Thales denies getting hacked – it was our vendor that got hit, Houston, we have a problem – send a repair team to Mars, Stat and Brits block takeover of chipmaker by Chinese.

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