Security News Update for the Week Ending October 2, 2022

This week’s news includes:

  • Sophos auto-patches firewall bug being exploited in the wild
  • Apple removes pig butchering apps from the App Store
  • Brands review privacy policies after California fines Sephora $1.2 million
  • 15 banks agree to over $1 Bil in fines over recordkeeping failures
  • Morgan Stanley to pay $35 million for astonishing customer data disposal practices
  • NSA whistleblower/hacker Edward Snowden is now a Russian citizen
  • Facebook sued for bypassing Apple security to track users
  • VPN providers rushing to leave India
  • Fast Company magazine news site hacked; hackers pushed obscene/racist comments to Apple News feed
  • What you don’t know can hack you
  • Is your IT provider a security dumpster fire
  • Fired IT admin cripples former employer’network
  • Security news bites for the week ending September 30th, 2022: Why you should wear contacts while on video conferences, crooks are selling access to Chinese security cameras, Russian botmaster requested extradition to US after arrest, Neopets hacker had access for 18 months and hackers use Powerpoint files for malware delivery.

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