CMMC | DIB | DoD | Security News Update
Security News Update for December 29, 2024
This week’s news bites include”
- AI Could Generate Malware Variants at Scale That Evades Detection
- Feds Consider Banning TP-Link Routers over Cybersecurity Risks
- It is a Bad Year for Cisco
- Microsoft NTLM Zero-Day Won’t be Patched Until April
- SEC Fines Jump Crypto Subsidiary $123 Million
- FCC Gets $3 Billion More to Replace Chinese Telecom Gear at Telecom Providers
- CISA Tells Agencies to Secure Their Microsoft Cloud
- Salt Lake City Area School District Says Breach Exposed Data on 450,000 People
- North Korea Steals $308 Million in Bitcoin Heist
- Rhode Island Governor Warns of Cyberattack on State System
- Feds order Marriott/Starwood to implement data security program
- 2025 NDAA has important cyber provisions
- Russian tanker accused of severing undersea cables
- Security News for the week ending December 27th, 2024: Feds sue JP Morgan, Wells, BofA over Zelle fraud, Billionaire is interested in buying TikTok, ninth telecom carrier added to breached list, General Dynamics employees phished, compromised benefits portal and Texas going after data brokers for not registering