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Security News Update for December 1, 2024
This week’s news includes:
Canada Joins US and Announces Their CMMC Plans
Up until now, CMMC has been a US federal government standard for companies doing business in the public sector. Canada has now joined the group and you should expect more countries to be added to the list. Learn more below.
CMMC – What is the Timeline?
As CMMC gets closer to the finish line, the timeline for when you will have to be compliant is coming into sharper view. While you might think that you still have a lot of time to get ready, that timeline might be shorter than you think. Watch or listen to this article to see why.
DoD Issues “Class Deviation” for NIST SP 800-171 Rev 3
We knew that DoD had to resolve the conflict between the current 7012 DFARS and the CMMC Part 32 rule that was released in December, but we did not know HOW they were going to resolve it. For defense contractors who are wrestling with getting ready for CMMC, their temporary workaround is the best we…
CMMC News Update for February 2024
I recently provided a CMMC update to the Denver chapter of NCMS. That presentation was live and in person and generated a lot of questions and comments. I recreated that presentation here. If you have questions, please contact us.
DoD’s New Instruction on Labelling Controlled Technical Information
Most defense contractors have been complaining about the lack of specificity of how to protect controlled technical information or CTI. DoD has just released instructions clarifying the rules around protecting CTI. Learn more here.