Security News Update for the Week Ending July 23, 2023

This week’s news includes:

  • Senate bill makes end to end encryption a crime
  • Intel’s deep fake video detector – 96% accurate
  • Utility experts say China is a threat to the grid
  • Apple releases third try at patch for webkit bug being actively exploited – patch now
  • SEC delays new cyber rules until October
  • Amazon agrees to $25 million fine for Alexa privacy violations
  • Pay down supply chain (software) debt
  • Hackers steal $20 mil by exploiting but in Revolut’s payment system
  • More MOVEit breach reports
  • Wisconsin county declares ‘catastrophic software failure’ (what everyone else calls a ransomware attack)
  • Mississippi county describes ransomware as a digital hurricane
  • Media calls Twitter ‘dying social media platform as humans flee’
  • Hearing is believing – NOT!
  • The noose is tightening – SLOWLY – around social media’s neck
  • Security news for the week ending July 21st: well, this is a bit of an oops, bill to stop feds from buying data passes one hurdle, famed social engineer/hacker Kevin Mitnick dead at 59, how to tell whether “your security is our top priority” and Apple threatens to remove FaceTime and iMessage from UK iDevices if the UK bans end to end encryption

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